Monday, March 13, 2017

Daniel Fast Day 1 Devotion - March 13th

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God―this is your true and proper worship."
Sometimes the big, one-time sacrifices are the easiest ones to make.  We check them off, and they're out of the way.  But God calls us to be an on-going, living sacrifice.  We offer what we eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to Him.  We offer our attention in prayer each morning and throughout the day.  We offer our energy to serve Him all day long.  This is our true and proper worship, our moment-by-moment offering.
He is pleased with that living sacrifice no matter what the mirror or the scales says.  He is delighted by us no matter what.  We may think we have little to offer, but God sees a devoted heart as the most valuable sacrifice He could have.
How can you shape your life today as an all-day, moment-by-moment offering?  What choices does God invite you to make?  Will you be a living sacrifice for God?  Amelita and I are praying for you as you begin this journey to become a living sacrifice for Christ.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT:  An all-day, moment-by-moment offering of your body, mind, and heart is so pleasing to God.

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